Wednesday 16 November 2011

Today is the 0 PART 2!

This is just a small addition as I have now had the cells.  They were actually from Hamburg and someone took them on the flight from there to Heathrow and then they were sped by car to the hospital where my nurse met them.  Crazy stuff like on TV!  I had the nurse in with me the whole time as you can have a reaction to them...I didn't thankfully...I've had those kind of reactions before and they are not pleasant.

They gave med pre medications, piriton, hydro cortisone, anti sickness etc... and did the first 10 mins very slowly to check for the reaction and them sped them up to get them in as fast as possible.  My blood pressure, temperature, pulse and sats were done every 15 minutes and will be done every hour or so through the night now.

When they first brought them in my room to show me I felt weird, like I didn't want them to go in my strange I mean I have bloods etc... all the time.  I suppose it is more to do with the fact it can make me feel ill.  The mind plays funny tricks and I got a bit shaky at the thought of it all, like I was nervous but the nurses are great here and put me at ease.

So that is it....they are all in, two bags totaling about 700ml and now we wait...this next week is one of my most critical.  The |chemo will fully kick in, I am already neutropaenic and have no immune system at all now, and the cells will find their way to my bone marrow and hopefully take and mature into my various blood cells from there...

I just have to say thank you so much for, hopefully, saving my life my 25year old male donor from Hamburg, I salute you and your kindness.

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