Friday, 11 November 2011


Monday 7th November 2011 - Day one of Chemotherapy.

This will be just one part of many about Chemo I think as I will get different side effects etc... along the way but I am on a 7 day chemo regime which has specifically been tailored to my illness and the amount of bad cells that need killing off in my marrow before I have the donor cells given.

I have been prescribed 5 days of Fludarabine & Campath and 2 days of Busulphan, side effects include but are not limited to Nausea, Temperatures, Shakes, Sweats, Diarrhea, Headaches, Aching Limbs, Hair Loss, Infertility, Liver and Kidney Problems etc...  I've started getting about 6 of those so far.

The first day of having the drug Campath also brings its own problem in that you have a reaction to it as it is essentially antibodies and my cells try and reject it.  It was about 5 hours of hell but manageable...the beauty of hindsight! no really I coped.  It was like having really really bad flu I suppose.  Yesterday (11th) was actually the first day I didn't have a temperature so my body has accepted those two first drugs now.

Today (12th) I am on my last dose of the Fludarabine & Campath and then I move on to the Busulphan.  It is this drug that will have more affect on my hair. I may lose some or all of it but only two doses is a good thing. I am mentioning my hair as it seems to be the main thing people worry about isn't it when it comes to Chemo? I initially cried about it but come on, I gave myself some perspective and thought my hair is the last thing I should worry about, and even my fertility as the reality is it is better to be alive without these than not here at all without the treatment.

I know I am only at the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the side effects as they can take a week or so to kick in but I am prepared and hey what choice do I have.  I am in the best hands here, the staff are amazing and they certainly seem to have a drug for everything!  I take around 35 tablets a day as well as those given intravenously through my hickman line.

So roll on day 5 which will be a good day as my wonderful boyfriend is visiting today!

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